Digital Natives & Digital Immigrants

Thought on education and students and of course teachers have changed over time. The way of thinking of students changed, as well. We call students digital native or digital immigrants, now.

Digital immigrants cannot accomplish their works as digital natives do. Digital immigrant teachers think that students are not able to learn while watching TV and they think that learning
cannot be fun. They think teachers use traditional curriculum and refuse to accept new context. They think that the approaches they use while learning in the past cannot be useful and appropriate for today's learners.

People born in and after 1980 are known as digital natives. Digital natives are capable of grasping info fast. They do multi-tasks and they prefer visual thing instead of texts. They use digital instruments to express themselves. The most suitable platform for them is online platform. They prefer funny things rather than serious manner tasks.

I think digital natives have more capacities to teach in any classroom in today's world. The main reason of this is technology facilitates learning and makes it faster. Digital natives are capable of getting acquaintance with new things. In the 21st century, technology is at its peak because it's one of the most important competents of teaching and learning. Besides, the teachers of digital natives have to be efficient to serve their students' needs. And they have to be a guide. And finally we can conclude that digital native idea is about not only student but also teacher, because of that the quality of education starts to grow up.

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