28 Mayıs 2015 Perşembe


PowToon is a do-it-yourself animated presentation tool that promises to “supercharge your presentations and videos.”

Image retrieved from https://angel.co/powtoon


Aurasma is the world’s leading augmented reality platform. Aurasma uses advanced image and pattern recognition to blend the real-world with rich interactive content such as videos and animations called “Auras”.

Image retrieved from http://mspanasays.com/aurasma-the-app-vs-aurasma-studio/

Bu da kendi çizimleriyle gezegenleri anlatmak için hazırladıkları poster :)

Posted by Işıl Boy Ergül on 28 Nisan 2015 Salı


Digital storytelling is a short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to share aspects of their life story. It can be used for educational purposes, as well.


  • modern expression of storytelling
  • makes class more enjoyable
  • digital elements; images, words, sounds, voices
  • a Connect-type activity
  • Learners can create their own stories
  • learning happens when students actively process the information
  • mix words with images to create meaningful activities
  • teachers can create their own books for lessons
  • students could use it to write poems and stories
  • It's important to be creative.

 The widely used web-site for Digital storytelling is Storybird.

Here is one of my stories that I created via Storybird;

Image retrieved from https://angel.co/storybird


social bookmarking service is a centralized online service which enables users to add, annotate, edit, and share bookmarks of web documents.
  • used for personal issues and group issues
  • saves time and effort while searching for a certain subject
  • tagging is a significant feature of socialbookmarking systems

Mostly used web site for social bookmarking is Diigo.

  • saves organizations time and money
  • sharings could be kept private
  • enables multiple participants at different locations to interact
  • users highlight any part of the website not to lose them.


virtual field trip is a guided exploration through the world wide web that organizes a collection of pre-screened, thematically based web pages into a structured online learning experience.


  • without leaving the classroom students can travel
  • planets, museums can be explored
  • an Absorb-type activity
  • visiting places online
  • useful for classroom activities
  • Useful sites; Arounder, NinePlanets, Airpano


A Kahoot is a collection of questions on specific topics. Created by teachers, students, business-people and social users, they are asked in real-time, to an unlimited number of “players”, creating a social, fun and game-like learning environment. 

To see one of my Kahoots that I use in my Elementary classes click below;


Image retrieved from http://istanbulbeykentokullari.beykent.k12.tr/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=200


Lino.it is a free service that allows you to create a canvas of online multimedia sticky notes. In addition to basic text, the sticky notes you place on your canvas can contain videos, images, and file attachments. Unlike some similar sticky note services, linoit allows you to alter the size and color of your fonts. You can use Linoit's built-in-calender tool to set due dates on your sticky notes.

  • take a note wherever you are
  • reminders on your special days or deadlines
  • free layout of your pictures and videos
  • share your ideas with your group members
  • use from smart phones

Image retrieved from http://en.linoit.com/


Tagul is a web service that enables you to create gorgeous clouds.
Created with Tagul.com


Augmented reality (AR) is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements areaugmented (or supplemented) by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics
  • adds graphics, sounds and smell to the natural world.
  • combines imaginary material with real world
  • increases motivation and interest of the student 
  • colAR & Aurasma are mostly-used apps for creating augmented reality.